Want to take a low-impact 4 week online workshop together? Thinking about process, not product these days? Maybe this online workshop will help you meet up with other writers and stay connected to your work.
Wednesdays July 8 – 29 (4 weeks)
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Here’s the Literary Arts workshop description and a link if you’re interested in learning more or signing up:
This 4 -week short fiction workshop will focus on generating new work and simply getting words down on a page. We will read excerpts, share just-written work aloud, and discuss assigned weekly readings together. We will investigate ways to unearth material together and share strategies for maintaining a regular writing practice. Participants will leave will many fragments and several starts for new work. This class takes place through Zoom.
Want to take a low-impact 4 week online workshop together? Thinking about process, not product these days? Maybe this online workshop will help you meet up with other writers and stay connected to your work.
Wednesdays April 15 – May 6 (4 weeks)
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Here’s the Literary Arts workshop description and a link if you’re interested in learning more or signing up:
This 4 -week short fiction workshop will focus on generating new work and simply getting words down on a page. We will read excerpts, share just-written work aloud, and discuss assigned weekly readings together. We will investigate ways to unearth material together and share strategies for maintaining a regular writing practice. Participants will leave will many fragments and several starts for new work. This class takes place through Zoom.
Join me for the second-level of the Short Story Intensive at Literary Arts. Pre-requisite is attendance of Level 1 class, or permission of instructor.
We’ll dive even deeper into the craft of short fiction, storytelling, and revision.
Thursday nights
March 12 – April 16
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Join me for the Fall 2019 SHORT STORY INTENSIVE at Literary Arts.
Here’s the class description:
Write a draft of a short story in six weeks. Class includes an emphasis on character, voice, and how to mine detail inside a scene. Class time will be spent on generating ideas for plot and character; participants will have the opportunity to get feedback on some of their writing and learn techniques for establishing a consistent writing practice so they can revise their draft once the class is done.
September 24 – November 5 (no class October 8)
Tuesdays 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. (6 class meetings)
Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington.
For writers at all levels
Limited to 10 students
Tonight I’ll be hosting and reading fiction along with stellar Portland writers Jason Arias (author of Momentary Illumination of Objects in Motion from Black Bomb Books) and Mark Allen Cunningham (author of most recently Perpetua’s Kin from Atelier26 Books).
Books will be for sale and everything you hear will be made up.
This reading is made possible by a grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council who provided funding this year to assist in work on my second collection of stories. Thanks RACC!
I’ll be reading at one of the Portland Book Festival’s pop-ups through the incredible Why There Are Words PDX along with authors Brian Benson and Jennifer Perrine.
Check out the schedule for the festival here: Portland Book Festival
Just like you asked for, here is the longer Short Story Intensive through Literary Arts.
After some student requests, the Short Story Intensive I’ve been teaching at Literary Arts has been expanded to a 6 week class, which means we’ll spend even more time discussing writing, readings and our own work.
Here is the info from the Literary Arts site:
Write a draft of a short story in six weeks. Class includes an emphasis on character, voice, and how to mine detail inside a scene. Class time will be spent on generating ideas for plot and character; participants will have the opportunity to get feedback on some of their writing and learn techniques for establishing a consistent writing practice so they can revise their draft once the class is done.
August 21 – September 25
Tuesdays 6:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. (6 class meetings)
Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington.
For writers at all levels
Limited to 10 students
SIGN UP HERE if you’d like to join us.
You asked for it, and, now, here it is.
After a few student requests, the Short Story Intensive I’ve been teaching at Literary Arts has been expanded to a 6 week class, which is fantastic news: we can spend even more time discussing writing, readings and our own work.
Here is the info from the Literary Arts site:
Write a draft of a short story in six weeks. Class includes an emphasis on character, voice, and how to mine detail inside a scene. Class time will be spent on generating ideas for plot and character; participants will have the opportunity to get feedback on some of their writing and learn techniques for establishing a consistent writing practice so they can revise their draft once the class is done.
May 14 – June 28, 2018
*class does NOT meet Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day)*
Mondays 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. (6 class meetings)
Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington.
For writers at all levels
Limited to 10 students
SIGN UP HERE if you’d like to join us this May-June.
Join me for a four-week workshop on short fiction.
September 28, October 5, 19, & 26, 2017 (4 sessions) – No class 10/12
Thursdays 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington.
Write a draft of a short story in four weeks. Class includes an emphasis on character, voice, and how to mine detail inside a scene. Class time will be spent on generating ideas for plot and character; participants will have the opportunity to get feedback on some of their writing and learn techniques for establishing a consistent writing practice so they can revise their draft once the class is done.
For writers at all levels
Scholarships available.
This class is also offered in Winter 2018.
Come celebrate the fantastic relaunch issue of Portland Review! Contributors Santi Elijah Holley, Sara Kachelman, Shayla Lawson, and Margaret Malone will read their work, and the new issue will be available for purchase.
Hosted by Literary Arts in downtown Portland, our party is free and open to the public.
Portland Review is produced by the graduate students in Portland State University’s English Department. The journal has been publishing poetry, prose, and art since 1956.
I hope you can join us.